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Maybe the lesson I need to learn is one I didn’t even know existed - 1/17/23

Updated: Jan 18, 2023

Tonight I am writing from the hot tub, Serenity Deck 18th floor. Watching the DR pass by in the distance, sun setting on another day. Was messaging with family this morning and found myself asking, how is this life? Or more importantly, how is this my life...

I've met a lot of fun people on this sailing. Jess and her mom from Toronto, were introduced to me by another group of friends traveling together. Jess loves her sunglasses. A girl after my own heart. We may be having an unofficial, official competition that she doesn't officially know about yet. But Jess will win. She's a winner in life and has the warmest personality.

I think dinner tonight will be a solo affair, probably at Emeril's Bistro 1397 - Taste of the World. I fell in love with a New Orleans cuisine back in 2012 when I visited for my 30th birthday. While I've been avoiding dinner on my own, embarrassed or at least self-concious about being a table of "just one", tonight I am looking to embrace it. I am not going to sit on the back wall, hiding from the view of everyone. I am going to proudly sit my ass down on the main promenade and enjoy my dinner for the world to see. I am not "just one".

In therapy/counseling I've spoke about codependency. Apparently that's a "new" word or concept in the counseling world with a lot of different definitions or interpretations. For me, it's about wanting the attention and companionship of someone else. I still want that, but for dinner...tonight...I just want my own attention.

Was talking with Will, another friend I've met on the cruise, and I think I focus too much on other people. Not letting myself enjoy and absorb life in the moment. Heck, I've only "known" him for 3 days. It's taken me nearly 41 years to even start to recognize this. Hmmm... 🤔

So no photos tonight. Just words.

Recap of the day:

Woke up fresh and recharged. I went on an excursion to "WATERFALLS OF DAMAJAGUA - ADRENALINE ADVENTURE". Damajagua is a national park according to the tour guide. We hiked up a small mountain and then slide and swam our way down ~7 waterfalls in the crisp mountain waters of the Dominican. It was probably the most "unsafe" thing I have done in my life...and I've bungie jumped and sky-dived before. At least that was my initial thought and I kareened down a rock water slide, helmet and life vest and GoPro in toe. By the end I was content and comfortable with the day's adventures!

Back on the boat, met up with Craig and Will, cute couple from Florida cruising with their friends, for a cocktail at Biscane 820 bar. I then took an afternoon siesta before heading up to the hot tub for the first soak of the day and updating y'all!

I changed my mind, I'll give you a few photos tonight. The upcoming dinner menu and lastly one of my dinner crew from last night. A group of solo travelers grouped together at table 569 in the Festivale Dining Room.

Signing off for tonight


Solo traveler extraordinaire 😂


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“ I focus too much on other people. Not letting myself enjoy and absorb life in the moment.” Wow! What an amazing realization! Something I feel I am guilty of as well that really can rob you of life’s moment! I’m happy for you! ❤️

Palm Springs Selfie.jpg

about me:

Hey!  I am Cole from Grand Junction, Colorado. In 2023 I stepped on all seven continents, in a single calendar year, solo!

The year continues to shape my life and my lust for travel.

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