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Palm Springs 2.0

Christmas and now Easter were spent in Palm Springs, CA. It was an unintended coincidence, but relaxing and enjoyable all the same.

Last week before the trip was eventful. Several new client meetings in Grand Junction, then an overnight trip to Denver for the Colorado Mortgage Lenders Association 2023 Expo on Thursday and then an 8:15a flight to Palm Springs on Friday.

Now sitting here on the flight home Sunday evening after a quick layover in Phoenix. (The sunset in Phoenix was 🤩)

The PS weather was perfect. A great pool day yesterday. Good food. Great company. (Thanks Jimmy for having me out!) There was no camera on this trip, and actually very few photos from the entire weekend. I missed Marilyn on my first visit and was sure not to miss her this time.

If you haven't ever been to Palm Springs before, I highly recommend it. I'll definitely be visiting again.

A really fun shop in PS carried these treasures:

Phoenix sunset (4/9/2023)


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about me:

Hey!  I am Cole from Grand Junction, Colorado. In 2023 I stepped on all seven continents, in a single calendar year, solo!

The year continues to shape my life and my lust for travel.

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