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Proof that money doesn’t buy you happiness

Controversial statement.  (Eye rolls everywhere). When sitting on a catamaran in the middle of the Indian Ocean in a tropical paradise just south of the equator hardly seems like a fitting locale to make such a statement, but I said what I said.

Watch.  Listen.  Then watch again.

What do you hear?  What do you see?

If you saw a country that makes on average $14,340 a year, which makes it the richest African Country, then that’s part 1.

Other than a guitar, the musical instruments consisted of an empty water jug, a plastic soda bottle, metal silverware clanking on the counter, and a lot of smiles.

Watch again if you didn’t pick up on it.

No fancy guitars, tambourines, sound systems.  Making the most of what they have, and happy.

Lesson ✅

The day was spent on a catamaran, transfer to one of two Australian built glass bottom boats in the islands, then a transfer back to the catamaran where we snorkeled in the St Anne National Marine Park, jumping off the catamaran into waters as turquoise as the gem itself.

The weather is strangely comfortable.  One would expect extreme heat and humidity being so close to the equator, but that’s not the case.  Gentle breezes.  Highs of 85 and lows of 82F.  Not at all what I expected.  It’s kind of perfect.  Warm but not hot, and never cold.

So Seychelles, you’ve already won my heart and it’s only day 3.  Like so many other locations, the warmness of the people is what makes the travel so special.  You can feel it in their song.

I haven’t met a single other American here (yet)other than Edle, the hotel bar manager friend of Ta’Lor.  I have met Ex-Russians living in Luxembourg, a lot of French, Portuguese, a few Brits and Spaniards.  (None of which have been to Norway…come on Europeans-GO TO NORWAY.  You won’t be disappointed)

A few honeymooners, a few couples celebrating anniversaries.  Thankfully “love” hasn’t been thrown in my face as much as I had feared.  I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love “love” but in a very single place in my life, which I am more content than ever “in”, I was quite worried about what a visit to the Seychelles was going to be.

Loving yourself is powerful.  Not fully there yet, but well on my way.  If you knew the number of times I’ve smiled this year, almost in tears, wondering how this year has been possible, you would smile alongside me.

Happy tears are just as powerful as the sad variety.  So, as I wipe away one of those as it rolls down my cheek, thankful beyond thankful, I think this trip has been everything that I wanted and needed it to be.  And it’s only day 3.

Apparently, I am the ONLY person that travels to the Seychelles solo though.  Nobody has said anything, unlike other holidays.  Maybe a few looks and likely questions about why or how, but this is me.  Unapologetically me and solo.

The day continued, and if I told you it got better you should be jealous. It got better…

Moyenne Island is also a National Park.  Formerly a private island, just before the owner passed away, he dedicated the island to the Seychelles and they made it a National Park.  600,000,000 years old, it’s only been inhabited since 1850.

There is a path around the island with multiple outcroppings, beaches and the grand daddy of them all, the Aldabra Giant Tortoise.

The tortoises are curious little creatures as you can see from the photos and videos.  About the size of the barrow of a wheelbarrow, they can live up to 150 years.  Of 9 species of tortoises of the Indian Ocean islands, they are the only remaining species not extinct.

The afternoon ended with a swim at Coral Cove, and then a cocktail at the Jolly Rogers Bar.

Pinch me.

Cole from Colorado

Seychelles flag 🇸🇨


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about me:

Hey!  I am Cole from Grand Junction, Colorado. In 2023 I stepped on all seven continents, in a single calendar year, solo!

The year continues to shape my life and my lust for travel.

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